Cousin Letter 2

Terry McIntire
2 min readApr 10, 2024



What is the first born of 18 cousins called? It seems there should be a term other than oldest cousin. Mickey is the first first cousin? Mickey is the earliest first cousin? Primeval cousin? I am still thinking about this.

When I think about our childhood, I frequently recall the antics of you and your brothers. The most infamous was when the three of you painted, with crayons, the seats of the school car your dad drove home. I suspect you might have been the mastermind behind this project. The three of you as youngsters seemed to be world-class rascals. It occurs to me that you may have been the brains behind many of the stunts. At an early age you might have been the true rascal and your brothers, and your sister were your apprentices. Each surpassed your tutelage over time as they built upon what they learned. I wonder how many of the things you and your brother did, you shared with your children and grandchildren. And, did you wait until they were a bit older to tell them for fear of endorsing sometimes questionable behavior?

I watch my own grandchildren and see two older brothers as self-professed rascals. Their younger sisters are becoming quite accomplished rascal apprentices. And I suspect each will surpass brothers in the realm of rascaldom (if rascaldom is not word, it should be).

My son has some version of the gift for numbers that you have. People without your intuitive mastery of numbers do not comprehend. Explaining how numbers work in your brain would be about as easy as describing green to someone who is colorblind. I recall you speculating this trait probably came from the Holmes side of the family.

The coffee events at Paluxy have given us the chance to know each other better again, as well as becoming acquainted with neighbors and friends. I plan to continue hosting these about every month, weather permitting.

Cousin Terry



Terry McIntire

When is the last time you did something for the first time?